Monday, September 24, 2012

Paytin's 2nd Birthday!

It was Derrick's niece, Paytin's birthday. Right now, 
Oddessey, Paytin, and Derrick's other niece Shaylie, 
are all 2. It's so much fun seeing all of the little girls running
around. They are all so dang cute! We had a fun night 
talking with family and celebrating little Paytin's 2nd birthday.

They were playing with the balloons. Lowynn
had a lot of fun. He played with them most of the night.

 Derrick and Jayden.
 Goofing off!

 Digging in, grabbing lots of candy!

 Oh, our husbands are sure special, aren't they Erin? =)

She was doing tricks. =)

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