Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Payson's Carnival!

We were all so excited to go to the carnival! Our
kids had so much fun. They seem to love rides, Lowynn
especially. I am so thankful for my children, they make
life worth every minute of it! =)

Is he just like his daddy, or what?!? =)

 He's such a goof! He's our  "little ham" =)

 He loved this, and wanted to go on it again! 

 Oddessey got really tired when we were close to being done.

They both really liked this ride. I think it was relaxing. =)

 As we were leaving the carnival, Erin texted me and asked
what we were up to. So we met them for lunch at the Subway
in Walmart, and then ventured over to the little arcade,
which is also inside Walmart. I think Derrick and Stewart had 
a lot of fun!
 Erin, enjoying her massage.

 She didn't get a massage, but she sat in the chair. =)

 She was pretty worn out!
 Lowynn, always playing a game!

It was a fun day spent with family!

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