Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Derrick's Surprise Party!

For Derrick's birthday we went to dinner with Stewart and
Erin, and Andy and Natalie. After dinner, he had softball
games, so we couldn't do anything else. Then the next day, I
 took him to Iron Man 3. I could tell he kind of felt like we
 didn't do much for his birthday, but it's because I planned
 a surprise party for him the next weekend, when everyone
would be able to make it. I was hoping that he wouldn't find
out what I was up to! Erin and I had planned a barbecue,
and said we forgot a few things. So Derrick and Stewart
would need to go to the store to get them. Stewart knew 
what was going on, too, but pretended like he didn't.
When they got to the store, I sent Derrick a text telling
him there had been a change of plans. There was a book
in our van, telling him what he needed to do. It was a little
scavenger hunt type thing through the store. I had to give
us time to get everything ready at the house. Andy and 
Karree parked down the street so Derrick wouldn't see 
their cars.We hurried and blew up balloons and 
decorated around the house.Then everyone hid in a room,
 and waited for the key word, and they jumped out and
 yelled, "surprise!" He was pretty surprised!
 I was glad it worked! =)

He was laughing at our beautiful singing. We sung the 
happy birthday song so amazing! ;)

These 2 are so cute!

My allergies were driving me insane! My eye was
all bloodshot, ugh!

We made a little "movie" (which I'll post as soon 
as it's done) very late at night. At like, 1 in the
 morning! =) We were getting ready to film, and 
took a few pictures. It looks like Erin missed
 the kissing memo!

It was a fun day/night! I am so glad that everything 
worked so well! I am so thankful for such great family, 
who will help me and be there for Derrick! Thank you, 
Stewart & Erin, Gaven & Karree, and Andy & Natalie! 

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