Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Lowynn had a trunk or treat at school, and he
dressed up for it. He had so much fun, and he got
a lot of candy! 
Getting ready for school!

 My kids are too dang cute! I sure love them! =)

 Oddessey seen Derrick posing, so she put her
hands on her hips, too. It was pretty cute.
 Lowynn wanted to walk around so bad. So we 
decided to walk around for a little bit then come 
back to get the van to travel a little farther.
When we started heading out, Lowynn said to
Oddessey, "Hold my hand sister." It was so cute.
I love to watch them, he is such a good big brother.
He takes such good care of his little sister!

 I didn't wear a costume this year, but I tried to match my
family. I told Derrick he should wear his Batman
symbol shirt, too. He thought it would be pretty funny for 
Lowynn to be Batman and for him to be Robin. So he
dressed as Robin. =)

 Then we went to Teresa's to visit. & arm wrestling 
became the main event. =) Lowynn wanted to try, 
then Oddessey wanted to try. They're so cute.

 When Stewart said, "Go!" Oddessey just grunted,
because she heard everyone else grunting. She
was pulling a mean face that she was seeing everyone
else pull, too. But she didn't know to push Stewart's
arm. So she just sat there grunting with this look
on her face, it was so funny! =)

What a fun holiday! We definitely love it at our house. 
Now on to the next Fall holiday, Thanksgiving! =)

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