Monday, October 1, 2012

Birthday Weekend!

So my mom told me to take work off on my birthday
and she would take me shopping. So I took the day off.
But when I woke up, Derrick was home and was making
me breakfast. I was pretty surprised! He then told me
that my mom wasn't taking me shopping, he was. & that he
had reserved a hotel room for that night, and Tara was going
to sleep to our house with our kids. I was so surprised! I couldn't
 believe that he was able to do all of this without me knowing! 
I had such a fun weekend! Thank you, babe!

Making breakfast!
 He also decorated the kitchen a little bit. He's so cute!

Derrick was able to take Lowynn to school and
pick him up. Lowynn thought it was pretty cool. =)
 Then for lunch, we went to one man band, with  my 
mom and brother Jeffery.

After lunch, we headed to Orem and did lots of
shopping! Then we checked in to our hotel. We
called Stewart and Erin to see what they were up to.
They weren't doing anything, so they met up with us at
the Provo mall. Where we did a little bit more shopping.

 Then we went to dinner. Erin told the waitress that
it was my birthday, so they sang to me and gave me 
some ice cream.

 After dinner, we went back to the hotel. It was a very fun
night! Lots of laughs! =)

 The next day, Erin and Stewart came over. & we
partied! Just kidding, we didn't. We were all very tired
from the night before! =)
 Lowynn in his Halloween costume. =)

 Oddessey is so pretty!
We popped some popcorn. It's mine and Oddessey's favorite thing!

We went to the gas station to get some goodies and drinks.
Then came home and just visited. It seems our best times come
from us just sitting there talking. =)

It was such a fun weekend! Thank you, Derrick! You did
an awesome job! & thank you Erin and Stewart, for sharing
it with me! We had some good times! =)

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