Friday, September 13, 2013

Fall Is In The Air!

Oh, how I love this time of year! When the air
gets cooler, the leaves change colors, and there's
so many fun things to do! We LOVE decorating 
at our house! Our kids' eyes just light up when
we tell them we are going to decorate. They 
get so excited and start jumping up and down 
and giggling! There's nothing better then seeing
my kids happy! =) 

She randomly went and found Derrick's hat,
put it on, and started dancing around. =)

Playing with some of the small pumpkins.
They LOVE to help!

Lowynn wanted to take a picture of us.
So, of coarse, Oddessey wanted a turn!
Here's our decorations!

In our picture frame, there's 2 more spots for
pictures, which we haven't filled. So Lowynn
put leaves in the spots. He thought he was
pretty clever for thinking of that. =) He's so cute!

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