Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Derrick had a talent show to compete in, so 
we decided that after that, we would take the kids
on the carnival rides. Derrick won first place, and 
won some money. He's so amazingly talented! After
performances, people always stop him to tell him
how awesome he did, and how he can move JUST
LIKE Michael Jackson. He is awfully good! =) 
The kids had a blast going on the rides. They are 
pretty much fearless when it comes to them, now.
Lowynn still gets a little nervous, but always
ends up liking the ride.

They both loved the Ferris wheel. They loved
how it tickled their bellies. 

This is so cute! She is SUCH a daddy's girl!
He is a mommy's boy. =) I love it! 

They are just getting too big!

They also LOVED this ride. They were screaming
and yelling, and putting their hands up. =)

They went on this one a few times. They thought
 it was pretty fun.

We were kind of nervous about Oddessey going
all alone, so Derrick went with her at first.
I love these next 2 pictures!

Then we got brave, and decided that she could
go by herself. & she did just fine!

It was such a fun day with my little family!
A big thank you to my mom! She's the 
one who bought their wristbands. =)

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