Thursday, August 8, 2013

Lowynn and Oddessey

I just love, love, LOVE my kids. They are so much
fun. They keep me on my toes! They are best
friends. I love to watch them play and
 I love to listen to them. They are just too cute.
I love when I hear one of them say, "I love
you", and the other one will reply, "I love
you too." They say the cutest things, and the 
funniest things. I wish I could record every
 little funny thing they do and say. I do record
 a lot, and I take tons of pictures! I will look 
back on those when they are older, and cherish
 them! I want to keep as many memories 
of them as I can!


He is so kind and caring. He wants to make
sure everything is alright when he can tell 
you're upset. If he hears me say I'm cold, he'll
run in with a blanket for me, and he'll cover me
up. He is so sweet, he is always telling me how
he loves me, his dad, and his sister. He is always
thinking. He will ask me things that I wouldn't think 
kids his age would think about. He's concerned
for everyone and wants everyone to be okay. =)
He may be sweet, but he can get mad easy. If
I won't let him have something, mainly a snack,
he will get so mad at me. He also gets frustrated 
easy. Which can be quite frustrating for me, and 
funny sometimes.He sure has made our lives 
very entertaining! He is so silly and can put on
quite a show. He loves to dance silly, to make us
laugh. He is incredibly smart! He has the best
memory. He amazes us all of the time with what
he remembers! He is a great listener, too.
He will hear me and Derrick talking in
the other room to one another, and respond
to us or correct us with what we are saying.
 He has such a fun personality!
 I love him so much!

He LOVES his capes. He has them on, like
90% of the time! He still loves superheroes.
& knows a lot of them and their villains!

 He loves to dress up!

In daddy's Michael Jackson clothes.
He loves to play video games! I have to 
limit the time he gets to play!

He's such a silly kid! =)

Taking care of his sister.


My little princess! She is so so so dramatic! 
She is very extreme, when she's happy she's
happy, when she's mad, she is mad. She has
major attitude, and sometimes it's hard not 
to laugh at some of the things she does 
or says in a fit of rage. She says some of the
most random things, and leaves you wondering
where the heck she came up with it! She will
be doing one thing or saying something, and with
the drop of a hat she is doing & saying something
completely different! She is so silly! She is quite
the little character. She is a major daddy's girl!
She loves when he gets home from work. 
She runs to him yelling, "Daddy!" and 
wraps her little arms around him. It's pretty
cute. =) She is my little tomboy, but a
girly-girly, too! She reminds me of me, 
when I was little. I loved to get dirty 
and play with the boys, but loved to wear
dresses and loved make up and painting
my nails. That's how she is. 
She loves bugs, too! She loves to play 
like she is Robin or one of the ninja turtles,
and then turn around and be a princess.
She is our little wild child!
I love her so much!

She loves to play dress up!
As Robin...

& as princesses!

When I want to take a picture of her, I just
say her name, and she poses. Sometimes
it's a really cute pose, and other times
she poses really silly. =)

She LOVES babies!

She LOVES the water!
She LOVES to play in the make up!

She has to deal with me doing her hair.

She goes from this...
to this in a matter of seconds. =)
Loves the bugs.

She is a wild child!

She loves to play in the dirt.

They are best friends, and Lowynn takes such
good care of his little sister. I am so glad that 
Oddessey will always have a big brother to 
watch out for her. 

Here's a few of them a while back. =)

They are so much fun, and bring such joy 
to my life! I am so thankful for them!

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