Monday, August 12, 2013

Breakfast In The Canyons!

I remember always going up to Trumbolt, to have 
"breakfast in the canyons." It's just something we've
always done with my mom's family. We used to go
so many times during the summer, and now it's
become a once a summer thing. I hope we can get up
there more and more! I love it, and my kids do, too!
There is just something about the mountains! =)

Maddyx, Lowynn, and Damien.
Drinking some hot chocolate!
Oddessey was running around and crawling in the dirt.
She had so much fun!

Eating some yummy breakfast! She stacked as many 
pieces as she could on to her fork. =)
Lowynn thinks he can do what ever the big kids do.
He wanted to cross this log.
He got tired, but he kept going.
Then daddy came to help him the rest of the way. =)

Oddessey wanted to cross on a log, too. But we 
wouldn't let her go alone. So, my cousin Braden 
helped her cross it.

She couldn't stay away from the water. She fell in
right before we left, and got all muddy!

Oddessey and Daniel playing in the water.
Oddessey found this caterpillar. 

Lowynn's dirty hands.
His arms were dirty, too. =)
The kids were having fun throwing rocks into the water.
Kids find that so entertaining! =)

I had to get some pictures of the kids!

My mom wanted to join in on the picture. =)

I was cleaning Oddessey off before we left,
and this beetle came out of nowhere and lit in 
her hair. It was so gross! =)
I love these two! They did this on their own. They 
are just too cute! =)

We had such a fun day with family! Family is the best!

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