Monday, May 18, 2015


She LOVES to dress up! In random things,
pretty like a princess, like a boy,
or like a superhero! It doesn't matter what! 

Lowynn built himself a fort with the dining room
table and chairs. I noticed he was pretty quiet,
so I went to check on him and....
I found him asleep under his fort. =)
My 3 beautiful children playing together! =)
This was on mother's day! I LOVE my babies with 
all of my heart! I am so thankful for them! They are
truly a blessing in my life! I couldn't have gotten
more perfect children! They brighten my life every
day. They bring so much joy and happiness, life
just wouldn't be complete without them! 

My handsome little man!
My pretty princess!

My big girl! She has figured out how to sit
herself up. She is so dang cute!
He was so excited to go to work with dad.
He had his lunch and some snacks, and 
was so ready to go! =)
Seeing how big the tires are.
Getting into the garbage truck. He needed dad's help. =)

Ready to go! He was SO excited.

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