Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Carving More Pumpkins!

We try to pack as many fun Halloween 
activities as we can in! We weren't able to go
to a corn maze this year, dang it! But we 
had lots of fun celebrating the holiday!

Excited to start the process!

My big girl! My sister pointed out that it looks
like she is reading the paper. =)
Helping Oddessey get her pumpkin cleaned out.
They LOVE this part.

Making sure both of the pumpkins are all cleaned out,
so that Derrick can start the carving. 
We have two pumpkin decorations that our
kids decided to have daddy carve their 
pumpkins like. =)
They were watching Derrick, and they had
their arms around each other. They are
best friends, most days, and I love it! =)

Lowynn wanted to take a picture of us, and 
he centered us pretty much perfect. 

Lowynn with his finished pumpkin!
Oddessey with her's!
Now a bunch of pumpkin pictures!

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