Monday, October 13, 2014

Just Some Pictures!

Love! =)
So, Oddessey was so sure she was going to
be a witch for Halloween. She had picked
out a costume while we were at the store, that she
liked, but when she seen this one, she had
to have it! So, now she's going to be Cleopatra.
*The funny thing is, is that she's been obsessed
with Michael Jackson's Remember the time,
music video. She has been wanting a costume 
like the girls on there so bad, so that's the 
reason why she wanted it! =)

Getting ready to go out!
Oddessey's holding Chase.
Now it's Lowynn's turn.
Out shopping.
They had to take some silly pictures!

Oddessey with her friend Cambria.
All ready for school.

Halloween movie night, watching Hocus Pocus.

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