Thursday, January 30, 2014

Hair do!

I love doing Oddessey's hair! I am so glad it is growing!
It's growing very slowly, but it's growing nonetheless! =)


Here's just some random pictures from
day to day! =)

Oddessey LOVES her daddy! She is a 
major daddy's girl, I love it! I love this picture!
She is pretty into dressing up as a 
superhero right now. This is her favorite
costume to wear. =)

She's in dance class, now. She is loving it!
She has gone 4 times so far, and she's starting
to remember the dance. When she's in a good
mood, I can get her to show me the dance 
moves. It's pretty cute! =)
Playing Batman! This is a regular
occurrence in our house. My family loves to 
play superheroes and run around the house. =)

He was the V.I.P in his preschool class.
He was pretty dang excited to take snack
and to get to sit in "the chair". =)
They celebrated his 1/2 birthday, since
his birthday is in July. He loves Twinkies!
He was pretty happy that his teachers 
gave him one!
Enjoying this bizarre January weather!
Playing dress up, once again!
This girl loves make up! She is constantly 
putting it on. I have to hide it, or she won't
leave it alone! =)

She didn't want me to take a picture of 
her, you can tell by the look on her face. =)
I can't help but take pictures of my 
kids! =)
Watching daddy play a Batman game. =)

Thursday, January 23, 2014

I love to spend time with my kids! It is
the best thing ever! Some times they each
need one on one time with each parent, and
so Derrick and I decided to do that. =) Derrick
and Lowynn went ice fishing with Gaven, our
brother in law. They had a ton of fun, and they 
caught a lot of fish. Lowynn had a fun experience,
and I am SO glad that he did! As for Oddessey and I, 
we stayed home, and I let her choose whatever 
she wanted to do.

Here they are, at 6:30 in the morning, ready 
to head out. Lowynn looks a little tired. =)
First, she chose to have like an hour bath.
Which she loves. Then she wanted to watch
Sleeping Beauty. We sat on the couch, and 
ate some Doritos, which are her favorite.
We had to take some silly pictures.

After the movie, she wanted to color, so
we spent some time coloring.
It was a nice day out, so we played outside,
and she rode her trike in the road.

She loves to pose for pictures!

After playing outside, we went in and
played with some play-doh. Then we watched
tv for a little bit, and took a nap! =)

Here's a picture of Derrick and Lowynn
with the fish they caught. Gaven caught
some of them, too. =)
Then we went to Karree and Gaven's house,
where we ate some fish for dinner. 
The kids were pretty intrigued with the fish.

Derrick, filleting some fish.
I love my little family!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Swimming Fun!

It was my cousin's son's birthday. We 
celebrated it at the Provo Recreation center.
My kids were so excited to go swimming.
Especially Oddessey, that girl LOVES the water.
All ready to go swim!

She is much braver then her brother when it 
comes to swimming. Lowynn hates when the 
water gets in his ears or on his eyes. Oddessey 
doesn't mind it at all!

We had such a fun day!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year's Eve!

We were all a little sick, and had been for the days
leading up to New Year's eve, so we decided to 
just celebrate with our little family. It was a lot
of fun!  First, we played lots of board games.
Silly girl! =)

Then, we played our Wii U. My parents and
brother Jeffery gave this to us for Christmas. =)
Then, we spent some time running around 
in the dark, while mom and dad hid and the kids
 had flashlights and wandered around looking for us. 
Then we would jump out and scare them. 
They LOVE that game. =)
Then, it was time to go outside and yell,
 "Happy New Year", and make some noise!
Oddessey absolutely loved that part! As you will
see in the pictures of her! =)

Lowynn, on the other hand, was mad we turned
the video game off. So, he was pouting. 
Derrick was joking that it was the first seconds
of the new year and Lowynn was already
being a brat! =)

Then, he just stood there and watched 
the firework show. We have some neighbors
who always spend some money on the fireworks.
It's fun for our kids to watch. =)

After we were all done outside, we went in and
enjoyed a bottle of Sparkling Cider. 


Our first family picture of the new year!

2013 was a good year! We had a lot of fun going 
on trips and spending time as a family! I am looking
forward to another exciting year! I can't
wait for summer, when we welcome our new 
addition to our family! Bring on 2014!