Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Lowynn's 5th Birthday!

5 years ago, on July 9, this little man made Derrick
and I a daddy and a mommy! We are so thankful for
him! He brightens our day with his smile, and his
silliness! He is such a tease, and is always making us
laugh! He amazes us everyday with how smart he is. He 
has an incredible memory, I can't believe some of the
things he remembers! We love you, Lowynn!

Here are the gifts from mom and dad.
Getting his cake put together!

The birthday boy!
The cake all finished.

Some of the kids playing.

Opening presents.

Most of his guests!

Wearing his Mario mustache!
Our poor little princess got stung by wasps,
3 of them! That's what happened the last time
she got stung, too! This time she was playing over
by our wood pile, where she knows she's not 
supposed to play! Maybe she won't go over there
now, wait it's my daughter I'm talking about! =)

Shooting uncle Stewart with his new dart gun.
I love my little man!

Thank you everyone who came! Lowynn is 
truly loved! =)

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