Friday, July 5, 2013

Just Me and My Kids!

My kids were supposed to be having a play date, but their
friend got sick. I had got them all ready and everything,
when I found out. My kids were pretty bummed, so I decided
we would go do something fun. I said a list of things, 
and they chose to go feed the ducks. We bought some 
bread, then grabbed some lunch. Then we headed 
over to Springlake. (which is actually a pond) =) 
I had a lot of fun with my kids! Although, they made
 me pretty nervous throwing the bread into the water,
 I kept telling them to scoot back. Usually I have
 someone there to help keep an eye on them! 

Eating their lunch.
Now on to feeding the ducks!

Lowynn's got quite the arm and aim! =)

Tried to get a decent picture. We all look lovely! ;)

My silly kids! They are so much like their daddy! =)

I cannot say how thankful I am to be the mother of
these amazing kids! I love them with all my heart! They
can be a handful at times, but they are so worth 
everything! I love spending time with them, and making
fun memories. Ones that I hope they will cherish! 
I love my kids!

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