Monday, May 18, 2015


She LOVES to dress up! In random things,
pretty like a princess, like a boy,
or like a superhero! It doesn't matter what! 

Lowynn built himself a fort with the dining room
table and chairs. I noticed he was pretty quiet,
so I went to check on him and....
I found him asleep under his fort. =)
My 3 beautiful children playing together! =)
This was on mother's day! I LOVE my babies with 
all of my heart! I am so thankful for them! They are
truly a blessing in my life! I couldn't have gotten
more perfect children! They brighten my life every
day. They bring so much joy and happiness, life
just wouldn't be complete without them! 

My handsome little man!
My pretty princess!

My big girl! She has figured out how to sit
herself up. She is so dang cute!
He was so excited to go to work with dad.
He had his lunch and some snacks, and 
was so ready to go! =)
Seeing how big the tires are.
Getting into the garbage truck. He needed dad's help. =)

Ready to go! He was SO excited.

Friday, May 15, 2015


Oddessey had a field trip to a dairy farm in
Genola. I was able to drive her and some
preschool friends on the field trip. I love
being a stay at home mom, I am so glad that
I'm able to do school things! =)
Petting some baby cows!

Feeding the baby cows!

My pretty girl!

Drinking some yummy chocolate milk!
She had her last day of preschool, ever! 
Next year she'll be in kindergarten!!!! I
am not sure how to feel about that one!
She is sure growing up way too fast!
She wanted to wear the headband, so bad!
She wanted to wear it the previous school
day, but it didn't match her at all, so I 
didn't let her. I decided to let her wear it 
on the last day of preschool. Silly girl!

She got to bring some lunch, they had a 
picnic and a bug hunt. =)

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

2015 Vacation!

*Warning- Picture overload! =)
Derrick and I have made it a goal to go on a 
vacation every year. We started in 2011, with our
first Disneyland trip as a family. Ever since then,
we have stuck to our goal. We do every other year
a big vacation, and the other year we do a small one.
We usually spend the small one in a hotel near Salt
Lake, and just do fun things in that area. So far, our 
big trips have been us going to California, and we 
LOVE it! =) When we were planning this
year's vacation, we couldn't decide if we wanted
to surprise our kids, or tell them about it. Well,
we were so excited and couldn't keep it in
anymore, and it wasn't the best idea! 
Oddessey would ask every day, if it was the
day we were leaving for our vacation. So,
Derrick came up with an awesome idea to
do a countdown, & it worked! Every day
the kids would put a sticker on the 
countdown calendar, and when it got close,
they were so excited. They couldn't 
wait to put the last sticker on! =)

Here's the calendar all full!
The kids SO excited to leave! (This was at 5:15 
in the morning.)

On our long drive to California!

This girl did awesome! If there were such an award
for best baby, she would have won it! She did
AMAZING! She hardly cried, and when she did,
it didn't last long or get very loud. She slept in the
van perfectly, she slept in the park perfectly, and 
slept awesome at night! (she woke up one night, 
because she had leaked through her diaper!) 

She fell asleep with only 30 minutes 
left to go. =)

We made it to the hotel!
Of coarse, first thing we had to do was 
go swimming! My kids LOVE to swim!

The weather was kind of frustrating. It would be 
cold, so we'd put on our jackets, then it would be
hot, so we'd take them off. It did this the entire
time! It could be worse, though! I'm glad it 
wasn't scorching hot, or freezing cold, or
raining on us! =)

The first day of our trip, we went to Sea World. 
Oddessey LOVES the ocean, and all of the creatures
in it. I love to see her light up when we go 
to Sea World. I'm pretty sure she's gonna work
with animals when she grows up! =)_
My happy baby!

I love this picture! 


She was so excited to see the polar bear. =)

Watching the dolphins.

They were eating crackers that are shaped like
animals that are in the ocean. Oddessey
had one that was shaped like a dolphin, and
was saying it was swimming in the water.
That's why she's holding it up next to 
the glass. =)
My silly kids!

My little model. =)
He wanted to go on this SO bad! It was the last thing
we did at Sea World, he was SO happy! =)
We went swimming later that night! 
The next day, we went to Disneyland!
My mom and dad with their grandkids! =)
So excited to go in to Disneyland park!

First ride, Pirates of the Caribbean! 
She is so photogenic! 
So excited to go on the ride!

In line for Splash Mountain.
First time on Splash Mountain!

The Jungle Cruise!
This is her favorite ride, it's kind of funny.
I think this ride is pretty lame. =)

Eating his beloved churro! =)

Thunder Mountain, Lowynn's favorite 
ride! He went on it 3 times. =)
She didn't like it so much. This was her
first and only time going on it. =)

Eating some Mickey Mouse shaped suckers. =)

Waiting in line for the Roger Rabbit ride. 
Having fun in Toon Town.

Oh, Derrick!
She finally got her Jasmine costume! =)

They were all wearing their new "vacation" 
pajamas. That's what Oddessey calls them. =)
I had to take some pictures.

The third day we went to Disneyland and 
California Adventures.
They love going on Tarzan's tree house. 


She loves to suck on cloth, she usually does
that to help her go to sleep. She had her
bow in her mouth...
so I sneaked her blanket in. =)
Monster's Inc. ride!

Her new face. =)

Eating some more churros!

Eating a sucker! We had lots and lots 
of junk food! =)

A Bug's Land!
Photo bombed by Lowynn! =)

Oh, I love how Quinnley looks in this picture!

Waiting to go on Goofy's Sky School ride.

Jumpin' Jellyfish, ride! She loved this one. =)

The last day, we went to Disneyland and 
California Adventure again.

Waiting to go on the train.

Oh, they are too dang cute! Mr. Toad's wild ride, line.

They were celebrating their 
34th anniversary!
Waiting to go on the "Nemo" ride. =)

She LOVED this ride. It was so cute. She
was so excited! She kept putting her hands
 on the glass, trying to touch everything. =)

The Car's ride! We got to California Adventure 
around 10:20, and it opens at 10. We hurried 
over to the fast pass line, and were able to get 
some fast passes. We got ones that weren't  
until 3:25-4:25. The earlier ones had 
already been taken. Crazy! 

Lightening McQueen! =)

She wanted some of these, so bad. She
couldn't decide what ones she wanted. 
She finally chose these ones. =)

My little sleeping beauty. =)
She got Pascal. =)

Taking a rest!

I love these three, with all of my heart!

Walking through Sleeping Beauty's castle!
This was the last thing we did! We had never been
through it before, and it is WAY cute! I loved it! 

We had TONS of fun, on our vacation!
We wish it didn't have to end so soon! We
are already looking forward to the next
one! My kids are so well behaved! I am so
proud of them! Compared to most of the
kids we seen, they were little angels!
They were awesome in the parks, and
at the hotel. They definitely deserved
all of the fun they had! I love my family!
 I am SO blessed! I am so thankful that
we are able to spend so much time as a
family, and create such fun memories!