Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Carving Pumpkins, Again!!!!

This year we went to 2 pumpkin patches, and Lowynn
went to one with his school. We each got a pumpkin the
first time, the second time Lowynn and Oddessey got one,
and then Lowynn got one with school. Needless to say, 
we had a lot of pumpkins this year. My kids asked us every
day if we could carve them! So glad we only have one left. =)
I mean, we've had a lot of fun carving them, but it's getting
a little old. Good thing we only do this during one month!
This time we went to Teresa's house, and had
some dinner and carved pumpkins. It was fun being
with family, and seeing all the little kids' faces light up.
They are so much fun! They all have a blast playing 
together, too. I love spending time with family!

My silly boy.
 My silly girl.
 Getting ready to carve the pumpkins!

 Everyone busy at work on their masterpieces! 

 Cleaning the pumpkin seeds. The kids were such
"good" helpers! =)

 Oddessey absolutely loves babies! It's so cute to 
watch her when she sees them.

This is Lowynn's favorite thing to do at grandma Teresa's 
house. He always has to get it out!

 I love this picture! She had a blast jumping off the stairs
onto the big pile of pillows!

Oddessey told daddy she wanted, "Jack the 
Pumpkin King." She is too cute, she LOVES 
The Nightmare Before Christmas.
 Lowynn told daddy he wanted Mario. & of coarse,
Lowynn loves anything Nintendo! Derrick is just too talented!
I can't believe that he free handed both of the pumpkins.
Didn't use a picture or anything!
 Everyone's pumpkins!

What a fun night!

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