Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Annual Halloween Party!

Erin and Stewart came over Friday night, to help us 
prepare for the party. Erin and I cut up vegetables for 
the soup, and baked some cookies. My kids 
love "helping" when we bake cookies. =) Derrick
and Stewart set up a few decorations. Thank you for 
your help, guys!

 We're finally all finished!
 Most of our party decorations.

Our guests!
Stewart and Erin
The Roadman and Alice 
 Shelley and Les
Witch and Zombie
Elvis Presley
 Ashley and Tyler
Clown and Zombie
 Just visiting!

 Playing a game, finding the clues. The house was actually
dark, the flash just makes it look like the light's are on.

 Derrick invited all of his old pepsi coworkers. He was excited 
that they were able to make it!
Brady, Joe, Derrick, Ben, and Lance.
 Andy and Natalie
Motorcyclist and Nurse or Doctor? (Sorry, Natalie!)

 Sisters! =)

We had a couple more guests that I didn't get a picture of.
I feel really bad! I hate when I leave people out! 
Thank you everyone who came, you all made it awesome!
I love this time of the year, and all the fun that comes with it!

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