Friday, April 17, 2015


It's been a while since I've posted! Life seems
to be keeping me really busy, as of late! & with
school graduations, dance recitals, and T-ball 
coming up, it doesn't seem to want to slow 
down anytime soon! I wouldn't want it any
other way! I love my family and all of the fun
things we do together!

This is a picture of one of our shopping trips to 
the mall with Stewart and Erin. =)
She is always so happy!

Lowynn made a Leprechaun trap for school. 
Derrick helped him, or did most of the work. =)
Lowynn was so proud of the final product.

Here's what the trap looked like.

One of our walks!

I love this picture!

She can be such a tomboy. I love it!
Eating at Fat Jack's! 
My happy baby!

Silly kids!
She thought she looked pretty cool.

All ready for her Easter party at 
Preschool! I know I am her mom, 
but man, is she beautiful!

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