Friday, January 9, 2015

Out With The Old, In With The New!

This year for our little New Year's party, we had Stewart,
Erin, and Chase over. We had some yummy dinner, TONS
of snacks, and had lots and LOTS of fun!!!! 

My happy beautiful baby!

We sang some karaoke, it was a blast!
This was supposed to be Stewart's turn, but Derrick 
had to step up to the mic with every song. He just can't 
handle some one else being the center of attention! =P

Of coarse, this is my kids favorite part! They love yelling 
"Happy New Year!" =)

Their first family photo of 2015!

Our first family photos of 2015!

We have to carry on tradition, and drink some of
Martinelli's sparkling cider! 

Stewart, Erin, and Chase spent the night. We made
some yummy breakfast, visited, and played 
some more games!

Twins! =)

They're going to be best friends! =)

It was so much fun! I am so glad we were able
to spend the last seconds of 2014 and the first seconds 
of 2015 with some of our favorite people! 
2014 was a good year! It brought us our beautiful 
Quinnley, we did a lot of updating on our house, 
bought a new van, and had lots of fun and
 created tons of memories! I can't wait to
see what 2015 brings!!!!

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