Wednesday, September 3, 2014

One Less Tooth!

Lowynn is growing up way too fast!
 He lost a tooth a few weeks ago. His tooth
was loose for a couple of months, but he wouldn't
let anyone touch it. He told us he wanted it to fall
out on it's own. We finally told him we needed to
pull it out, it was extremely loose. Lowynn was so 
scared! You can tell in the pictures that he was crying.
 After Derrick pulled his tooth out, he immediately 
stopped crying. He was like, "That wasn't even bad. 
It didn't hurt at all!" Just what we had told him! =)

I love Oddessey's face. =)

Showing off his new smile! =)
Putting his tooth under his pillow!

 He got $2 from the tooth fairy. =)

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