Friday, July 11, 2014

Happy 6th Birthday, Lowynn!

My incredibly smart, talented, thoughtful, handsome,
and sweet little man is 6! I am so thankful for this
kid, he is so much fun! I love watching him grow
and become such a responsible little boy. I love him
so much! Happy birthday!

Presents from mom and dad.

He was pretty excited about this gift from 
grandma and grandpa Trujillo! 

I think uncle Jeffery's gift was/is his 
favorite! =)

He was pretty excited about this gift, too.
Glad mom and dad got one right! =)
There was only like 10 pieces of cake left from this
huge cake! That shows how many people 
came to celebrate his birthday. He is truly loved!
Thank you everyone that came! He had a fun birthday!

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