Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Some Of The Remodeling!

We have been crazy busy, trying to get our room and
the playroom all put together. Derrick won't really
let me help, since I'm pregnant, so he's done pretty
much all of the work. His mom and Dennis have
helped a lot, too. Which we are so thankful for! 

This is where the door used to be going from the 
playroom and into the living room.

This used to just be a wall. We opened a doorway
up that will lead into our closet and bathroom! I
can't wait until that part is all done!

We bought new bedding to match our room, and I 
love it! We just need to get new night stands and 
our room will be complete! =)

It has been so stressful, but I am LOVING 
the results so far! =)

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