Saturday, April 13, 2013

Another Jazz Game!

Derrick's dad Paul and his wife Chris, bought
us all Jazz tickets to their last home game of the
season. It was SO much fun. The game was close
the whole game. I thought for sure I wouldn't have
a voice the next day, but I did. Erin and I 
screamed and yelled, we had a blast! Thank
 you so much Chris and Paul!

My handsome boys! =)
She was getting into the game, too.

It was SO loud in there, I guess she thought
it was too loud. =)
She was adding to the noise!
This boy and pictures. I take multiple pictures
and everyone of them he's closing his eyes. =)

Chris took a few pictures, I stole some from her. =)

Since it was the last home game of the season, the team 
said a thank you to the fans, and then they threw little
basketballs out to the audience. 

I am so glad we were able to go. It was a fun fun night!

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