Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Fun Busy Day!

Earlier in the day, I had to run up town
to get a few things. I had a couple of quarters,
so my kids wanted to ride in this truck. 

They're growing up so fast!

Then, when Derrick got home, we went up to 
the park. It was so much fun being out in this 
weather, getting some sun! =)

I love this!
He wanted to try the monkey bars so bad, so
daddy helped him. =)

They had to swing!
She was yelling, "higher!" This girl loves to swing!

Playing frisbee.

Our attempts at a family picture! Lowynn can never
keep his eyes opened for a picture! =)

Racing to the van.
Then we went to Home Depot, to get a few things for our yard.
I love this time of the year!

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