Saturday, March 30, 2013

Old Dusty Road

This is the song they were working on while we
 colored the Easter eggs. It sounds pretty good!

Coloring Easter Eggs

My kids were so excited for this! They kept asking
me if it was time to color them yet. Erin and I helped
them color the eggs, while Derrick and Stewart 
jammed, along with my uncle Les.

Getting ready to color them!
She was so proud of herself for coloring an egg. =)

He was pretty proud of himself, too! =)

I love my kids!

The eggs Lowynn and I colored.

The eggs Erin and Oddessey colored.
All of the eggs together. 

All of the eggs together!

My Big Kids!

My kids are getting so big. They are so much fun to watch
grow. They are best friends, and I love that! They are so funny,
and are always putting a smile on my face! I love them!


This girl's hair is certainly taking it's time to
grow! I am now finally able to pull it into a 
ponytail. Happy days! =) She is just too cute, 
she is growing up too fast!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Clean up!

 Derrick and I didn't realize till we were almost done cleaning
up, that we forgot to take a before picture. But, if you
can imagine all of this bark and wood spread around 
this corner of our yard, it looked pretty bad. We're pretty
proud of ourselves, it took us 3 and a half hours to clean
it all up. It was a lot of work, but it was so worth it!

My Crazy Kid!

I wanted to take a picture of him. Every time
I'd snap a picture, he'd pose different.
He's so silly!

He's so much fun, I love him so much!


Playing Lord of the Rings.
Every time our kids see an escalator, they HAVE
to go on it. 
She's so cute!

Oddessey climbed up onto great grandma Annette's lap. 
It was pretty cute.

First BBQ Of The Season!

We finally bought a grill! We had to try it out, so Stewart
and Erin came over and we barbecued some hamburgers.

First, Derrick and I had to put it together. Okay, Derrick
did most of the work. I just read the directions and took
some pictures. =)

The finished product!
Erin and I sat and visited,
Derrick grilled the burgers,
and Stewart started the fire.
After we ate dinner, we sat around our fire pit. Derrick
and Stewart played some songs for us. =)

The kids just played, played, and played! =)

It was a fun Friday night!