Thursday, December 26, 2013


It's become a tradition for Derrick to read The 
Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve. =)
The kids LOVE to put milk and cookies out
for Santa.
They also LOVE to see that he eats the cookies
and drinks the milk. Oh, the magic of Christmas! =)
All of their gifts from Santa!
& some clothes.
Santa left a game under their Christmas tree in their
room. So, before we could go downstairs and see
what else he brought, we had to play the game! =)

They were so excited to go see what Santa brought
them! We always make them sit at the bottom 
of the stairs, while mom gets the camcorder ready. =)
I just love their faces!

Digging in!

He was pretty excited about these slippers. =)

All done opening the kids' Christmas toys.
Now it's mommy and daddy's turn. =)

Playing with some of their new toys.

She was waiting for us to get ready so we
could go over to grandma and grandpa Trujillo's.

After we visited, grandpa came over to play some
Foosball with Lowynn.
She was pretty worn out!

Ready to go to grandma Teresa's for some 
dinner and to open more presents!
He loves his bow!
I have the cutest kids! =)

Opening presents at grandma Teresa's.

Christmas is so magical when you have
kids! I love to see their eyes light up and to hear
all of their "oos" and "ahhs". =) I love to see their
faces and all of the reactions to every thing! I 
love to spend time with our families! I 
love this time of the year!

Christmas Eve Parties!

This isn't a party, but I had to share. =) My kids
love to count down to Christmas!
Yay! Only 1 day til Christmas!
Our first party we had, was at my grandma Judy's. 
We have one there every year! We are starting 
to run out of room! =)
He was pretty excited about this gift! 
He LOVES games!
You can see Jaelyn showing Oddessey
they got the same present. =)

Then we head over to Teresa's house, where we
visit and then open up our Christmas eve pajamas.
I did take a picture of the boys, even though only 3
of them put their pj's on. But the pictures didn't
turn out too swell! =(

It was such a fun night! I love spending time
with all of our families! We are very blessed to have
so many loved ones who live close to us!