Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Parties, Parties, & More Parties!

First, was a Christmas party with my dad's side of the family. 
We were asked to have it at our house. It was a lot
of fun getting together and visiting with that side
of my family, because I hardly ever get to see them!

My cousins baby, Ava.

She loved the lip balm!

Second, was at Derrick's dad's house. It was more of 
a get together, then a Christmas party, but we still
called it one. =) It was December 22, and started off our
 busy 4 day schedule! It was fun spending time with everyone.
Derrick and Stewart entertained us with their beautiful
music. =) It was fun listening to them. I always love when
Derrick  plays his guitar and sings! 

Lowynn took my camera for a little bit, these were the
pictures he took. He's pretty good!
Stewart's first attempt at playing the drums. 
& he did a good job!

Then I had to take a picture of him. =)
Oddessey love's Chris and Paul's turtle, Crush.
She was there half the night.

My pretty girl!

My handsome little man!
They wanted to have a turn. =)
Third, was on the 23, and was at Derrick's dad, Jay and
his wife's house. They had Santa come, and Oddessey
was the only one who wouldn't sit on his lap. Which is 
weird, since she sat on his lap just fine earlier in the month.
Jay and Tracy completely spoiled us and our kids! It 
was a fun night filled with family! 

Brandie's son, Jayden.
Brandie's daughter, Shaylie.
Karree's daughter, Paytin.

Kind of pouting, because we tried to make her
sit on Santa's lap. =)

Then the next day was filled with even more parties! =)

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