Tuesday, September 30, 2014

My Birthday!

It's so weird to say that I am 27 years old! I know really,
it's not that old, but it's crazy to me! =) I had more of a 
birthday weekend. Saturday we went up to Gardner 
Village and bought some new Halloween decorations.
Sunday was my birthday, and we went to Olive Garden,
and I bought me some new clothes. Then Monday, we
went to Salt Lake and had some fun up there!

Helping daddy make mom's birthday breakfast!
At the Gateway mall. 
My little models!

Derrick looks so happy. =P

The Hogle Zoo!
I thought it was going to be miserable, so I brought
jackets, umbrellas, and blankets. Well, it ended up 
only sprinkling while we bought our tickets, then
 the sun came out and warmed everything up. We 
didn't even need our jackets! There was hardly anyone
there. It was an eerie feeling, it felt like we weren't
supposed to be there. At times it felt like we were the
only ones there! It was pretty much awesome!

There was a monkey that was being funny.
Derrick was "voicing" the monkey, and our
kids thought it was pretty funny! =)
Smiles for daddy! =)

Playground all to their selves!

Oddessey said she was a baby bird, and Lowynn
said he was a worm. =)

I love this picture!

My silly kids!
We think it was feeding time, because all of the 
animals were eating. We were able to see most 
of the animals. It wasn't hard to spot them. The 
gorillas are usually sleeping, but we were able
to see them up and moving around. It was
so cool to see!

Oddessey is my little poser!
I LOVE these next 3 photos. =)

We were almost the only ones on the train. After
I took this picture, a couple got on. 

Notice the only other people on the train!
She was taking it all in!

Here's some pictures of some of the animals.

Look at the parking lot! Crazy!
We basically had front row parking!

I had such a fun weekend! I love to spend time with my
family! I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate
my birthday, then to spend it with family!

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