Monday, July 7, 2014

Quinnley Mae!

Our sweet little Quinnley is here! She
weighed 6 lbs 15 oz and was 19 1/2 in.
We are all so in love with her! Lowynn
and Oddessey absolutely adore her, and
 smother her all day! We are so happy to 
have her! =)

Proud daddy!
Grandma Teresa
Grandma Terri Lynn
Lowynn and Oddessey weren't quite sure what
to think at first. =) 
I love this picture!

My favorite people!

I love this!

I love her hair. =)
Getting ready to go home!

Lowynn wanted to surprise us. He is the sweetest 
most thoughtful little boy! I sure love him!
She's home!

My beautiful kids!

I just can't believe her hair!

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