Friday, June 21, 2013

Some Things We've Been Up To!

I haven't posted for a few weeks, so I guess
I will just add some pictures of what we've 
been up to!

We went up to Derrick's uncle Jason's house, & 
on the way our kids fell asleep. =)
I love this picture! He is still so obsessed
with superheroes. 

Meeting Derrick for lunch!

Lots and lots of softball! for the last 2 months, every
Friday night. I love it! It's so much fun! The kids have
 tons of fun, too!

Derrick had a little performance, which he did
awesome at!
We went to my aunt and uncle's house, my 
kids love to play there! Lowynn stayed pretty 
busy, so I didn't get a picture of him!

Derrick and Les worked on one of
Derrick's songs. Doesn't he look so enthused! 

My kids and I went shopping with my mom. We
were buying father's day gifts. & my kids just had to
go on the escalator! =)

Lots of playing in our pool!

Lowynn was being daddy. =)

There's a few things we have been doing! =)

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