Monday, April 1, 2013


We had a fun Easter weekend! Filled with late nights,
a Jazz game, and a fun family barbecue and Easter egg
hunt. I am so glad that my family lives so close. It 
is so much fun getting to do family things with everyone!

This is what the Easter bunny brought!
Looking to see what they got.

Finding the eggs that the Easter bunny hid.

I tried to get a good picture of my kids. They looked so cute.
They didn't want to look at the camera, and Lowynn is
just like his daddy. He cannot open his eyes for a picture
when we are outside. I love them! =)

Getting ready to do the egg hunt!

They got silly string and had a fight! It was fun to watch, and
the grown ups got in on it, too! It looked like they had a
blast! I was busy opening up the kids' eggs, so I didn't 
join in. I think we need to have another one of these!

I hope everyone had a Happy Easter!

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