Friday, April 26, 2013

Lowynn's Field Trip!

Lowynn had a field trip to a dairy farm. It was fun to
see Lowynn interact with his preschool friends. 
Oddessey loved the cows! She thought they were
so cute. =) I am so glad that I am able to 
go to things like this! 

Petting the cows.

They got to feed them, too! 
They thought that was pretty cool.

Both of my kids had so much fun! It was a nice
warm day, too! 

I Love My Kids!

Lowynn picked up Stewart's hat and put it on! =)
My kids are getting so big! 

My kids love to pretend like they're driving.
Most kids do, right?
He said this is what daddy does...
he's silly. =)
I love my kids!

 I love that I am able to work in my home. I love
spending so much time with my kids. I love to watch
them grow and learn new things. They are so smart,
they amaze me everyday with the things they know. They
also make me laugh all the time! They are just too funny!
They act like their daddy! There's never a dull moment
in the Sprague's house! =)


When Lowynn is in school, we find fun things to
do.  Here are a couple of those.

We play with play-doh.

We play outside.
She had a bug, and was pretty fascinated with it.
We have races.

& we play inside! 
They were saying they are best friends! Too cute! =)

Preschool has been so much fun for Lowynn!
He has made so many new friends. It's almost
graduation time!!!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Another Jazz Game!

Derrick's dad Paul and his wife Chris, bought
us all Jazz tickets to their last home game of the
season. It was SO much fun. The game was close
the whole game. I thought for sure I wouldn't have
a voice the next day, but I did. Erin and I 
screamed and yelled, we had a blast! Thank
 you so much Chris and Paul!

My handsome boys! =)
She was getting into the game, too.

It was SO loud in there, I guess she thought
it was too loud. =)
She was adding to the noise!
This boy and pictures. I take multiple pictures
and everyone of them he's closing his eyes. =)

Chris took a few pictures, I stole some from her. =)

Since it was the last home game of the season, the team 
said a thank you to the fans, and then they threw little
basketballs out to the audience. 

I am so glad we were able to go. It was a fun fun night!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Family Fun!

Thursday night we celebrated Stewart and Erin's birthday
at Jay and Tracy's house. Then on Friday, we celebrated
Karree's birthday at Teresa's. It was fun seeing Derrick's 
family, it's been a while since we've done
 something together! =)

The boys playing football, after they kicked Erin and I off
the field. Since us girls were kicking their butts. 
Right, Erin? ;)

Oddessey seen them tackling each other and thought it 
looked like fun. She wanted daddy to chase her. She's
so cute, and such a daddy's girl!

Then we sang happy birthday to them, and ate some
yummy cake. Derrick always has to be the center
of attention! So, we had to have a retake of this photo,
with out Derrick! =)

Lowynn's messy face!
Oddessey was petting this bear and holding it's hand.
It was pretty funny.

I can't get over how old she looked this day!
She is just too pretty!

The pieces of pizza were huge. It was funny
to see the little kids eating such big pieces.