Friday, February 8, 2013

Family Vacation!

Derrick's dad, Jay, invited us to go to California
with him and his wife. It was so nice to have a little
break from work and the snow! The first morning of our trip
it had snowed 16 inches in Santaquin! Derrick was glad he
didn't have to work in it! =) The first day we went to 
Sea World, which I had never been there, and obviously
neither had our kids. It was a lot of fun! With all of the shows, 
it limits what you can see, so we went back on the last day
of our trip. The second day of our trip, we were going to go
to the San Diego zoo, but where our hotel was, it was right
across the street from Disneyland. Jay, along with 
his wife and her son, had been to Disneyland the previous days.
We had an itch to go, since it was right there. Needless to say,
 we ended up going to Disneyland instead of the zoo. The
temperature was in the 50's, so it was definitely jacket 
weather. But it was much better then teens and 20's, which
was what Utah was! =)

On our way to California! Our kids did SO good! They are
such good kids. They are so well behaved, and I am so proud
of them for the way they acted on our long trip. They didn't 
complain until the last hour of the trip, and they only had 1 nap
that lasted about an hour and a half. I love my kids!

They were pretty excited when we arrived at the hotel. We 
got there with enough time to get situated, and get
to bed.
They love each other so much! I love how they get along!

Venturing in to Sea World!

First we went on the little kid rides. Lowynn
LOVES rides. He is my thrill seeker! 

Oddessey gets so nervous when she first gets
on to a ride, but by the time it starts,
she forgets about being scared!

Oddessey is such a daddy's girl! 

Our little family going on a ride. =)
Watching some of the dolphins swim around. Oddessey
loved them!

Here's some pictures from a couple of the shows.

They were talking to each other about the fish, they
are so cute!

Here's some pictures from the Shamu show.

In all of the pictures of Oddessey, her eyes look so heavy.
By this time, she was starting to get ornery. She was
acting a little sick, thankfully by the next morning 
she was just fine.

Grandma Terri Lynn gave them some money, and they
used it to buy these whales. =)

My kids know that when we go to a hotel, they
get to go swimming. That's all they talk about! They
both love the water, but Oddessey is more daring
then Lowynn. She loves to try and swim. =)

Then the next day was Disneyland day! =) My kids had so 
much fun! I know we only spent a day, and you can't
get to much in one day. We just spent the day in 
Disneyland, we didn't get a hopper, because we're
going for a few days in May. I can't wait!

Then we came and just chilled at our hotel. We 
watched some basketball, and the kids ran around. =)
My crazy girl! I love her!

My mommy's boy! Love him!

Last day of our trip! It was fun to spend time with my 
little family. I love every minute we can spend together. 
I love family time, it's the best thing ever! =)

Oddessey was so scared to go in here! They had the 
sound of a polar bear growling, and so she was not
too happy about going in there, she thought something
scary would be hiding. After she realized nothing was
there, she ran around and played in it. =)

Trying to get a family picture. I took a few! My silly kids
don't like to cooperate for pictures. =)

The wind was blowing, you can tell by mine and Derrick's
wind blown hair!

I think this picture is pretty cool. 

We had a blast! I am so glad we are able to 
go on family vacations! I love my family!

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