Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Oh, Christmas Trees!

Last year, Derrick's uncle and aunt gave us one of their
Christmas trees. We decided to put it in the kids' room. We
did the same thing this year. They love it, it's so much fun. 
Santa Claus puts candy in their little stockings hung on
their tree. Lowynn's so excited for that. =) I just love
this time of the year!


We decided to put our fake tree, that usually goes in our 
dining room, in our bedroom. This one we got to put our glass
ornaments on. I love having it in there!

Then for our main tree in our dining room, we got
a real one. We were going to get a permit to go cut 
one down, with Stewart and Erin, but they were all 
sold out. So we just went to a tree lot and bought one.
On our way to get our tree!
He wouldn't hold still or open his eyes. I had
to wait till he opened them, then I hurried and took
the picture.
Looking for the perfect tree!

Waiting for daddy to bring our Christmas tree in. =)

Here it is! I love it, it is perfect! =)
Now on to decorating!
Notice how all of the ornaments are right next to each other.
They did such a lovely job of decorating! =)

Staring at the tree. =)

Fun family time! So so so much fun! =)

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