Thursday, December 27, 2012

More Jamming! =)

This one they started doing when I went out of the room
to check on Oddessey, so I didn't get to record hardly any of it.
They did a really good job, too! I'm bummed that I missed
out on the whole song! 


This was Stewart's first try at the drums. They were having a lot of fun messing
around. It was fun listening to them. =)
There's a few things I love about this video:

  • Shaylie helping Paytin take her sock off.
  • Shaylie and Paytin dancing.
  • Lowynn saying he's Mario.
  • Lowynn dancing.
  • Karree holding that pose! 
I love spending time with family! =)

My Little Angels

I wanted to take family pictures for Christmas 
cards, but Derrick didn't want to. So, I at least 
took some pictures of my kids. They are so cute, even 
though they were being difficult for the pictures, I got a few 
good ones. I love my kids so much. I couldn't 
have gotten more perfect children to be mine. 
I am so blessed to have them in my life!

I love them!


My kids are so much fun! But, I think I was more excited 
for Christmas then they were. When we woke them up and
told them that Santa had come, Lowynn asked, "Last night?"
We told him, yes, and asked him if he wanted to go see what
he had brought, he shook his head. So we asked him again
and he said, no. Oddessey also said she didn't want to get up.
We got up at 7, so it wasn't too early! =) 

Oddessey's loot.
Lowynn's loot.
All of the presents from Santa. =)
Our new tradition is the kids have to open a game in our
bedroom, and we have to play it till some one wins. Then 
we can go downstairs to see what Santa brought.
We chose an easy game, one that would go fast. Since
they're still pretty little. They loved the game and wanted to
play it a few times. =)
Opening their prizes for winning.

Waiting at the bottom of the stairs, excited
to see what Santa brought them. 

Checking out their toys!

Wearing Santa's hat that he left just for Lowynn.
Opening presents from mommy and daddy.
I love how excited she gets about everything!
She is so cute!

Opening my present from my family.
A new camera! =)
Opening his presents from our family.

Love his face. =)
Playing with their new Christmas toys.

Then we headed over to my mom and dad's to 
open more presents.

Later that night, we went to Derrick's mom's
house. We had Christmas dinner, and visited. There
was also one more gift that they forgot to have the 
grandchildren open on Christmas eve, so the one's
that were there opened it. Lowynn fell asleep, we 
woke him up, but he didn't want to help. So Oddessey
and Paytin did it.

So pretty!

My tired little man.
Playing in the box.

We had such a fun Christmas! It was spent with family,
what more could we ask for! =) I hope everyone else had
a very merry Christmas!