Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Weekend Fun!

Stewart, Erin, and Chase came down to hang 
out. We had lots of fun eating, snacking, 
playing games, watching the Jazz game, 
listening to Derrick and Stewart play guitars and
sing, watching our kids play, and watching a movie.
It's crazy how much we can accomplish in one 
day! =) We always have a ton of fun with them!

Quinnley and Chase in their jumpers.

Oddessey loves to be where the babies are!

 They were playing with the same toy, it was 
pretty cute. =)

Just Some Pictures!

Life is going by very fast, and I haven't taken
as many pictures as I would like! But here
are some that I have taken of my family. =)

Oddessey and I had a girls night, we went to
our cousins pageant. =)
She wanted to match me, so she picked her
black shirt out to wear. =)

One of our many trips to Home Depot!

Lowynn's shirt that he put 100 stickers
on for his 100th day of kindergarten! 

She is such a big girl! She can sit in the high
chairs when we go to restaurants now!

Date Night!

Stewart and Erin invited us to go with
them bowling and then to dinner. It
was so much fun to get out of the 
house! I love my kids so very much,
but sometimes you just need to have
a break for a few hours! (Thank you, 
Amber, Tara, and Tausha!) =) 
I had a ton of fun! I can't wait till 
our next double date! =)
Our amazing bowling skills! =P

Maybe one day one of us will win Derrick! =D

Big Helpers!

Lowynn and Oddessey love, love, LOVE to help 
when it comes to their baby sister. They 
absolutely love her, so so much. It melts me to
watch all of them together! They are so 
helpful, and so willing to do anything 
for their baby sister. I love it!

They were both quite proud of themselves
for feeding Quinnley. I especially love
the faces they pulled while feeding her. =) 

Photo bombed by big brother! =)