Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Pretty Girls!

I love that I have 2 girls that I can dress the 
same! They are so much fun! Oddessey loves
her baby sister, so so much! And Quinnley 
absolutely loves her big sister! They are so cute
 to watch. Oddessey can always get Quinnley to
 laugh, I love it! They are both growing up much 
faster then I would like them to! =) 

My Growing Girl!

This beautiful girl is growing up too fast! She 
had her 6 month check up on January 15. 
She weighed 19 lbs 14 oz, which is in the 93
percentile, and was 27 1/2 inches, which is in
the 92 percentile. She is wearing mostly 9-12 
month clothes. She has 2 teeth, sits up, loves to clap
and play patty cake, shakes her head "no", says 
dadda, and is happy 95% of the time! She is 
adored by all of us, and is in love with her
brother and sister! I love my baby girl!!!!

Here's pictures of her little teeth showing!

Little Smarty Pants!

Lowynn is just too smart! We had SEPs and we could 
tell that his teacher likes having him in her class. He
had a perfect report card, scored perfect on all of his
tests, and moved to reading level C. I am so proud 
of him! He is such a sweetheart to everyone!
 He is such a good listener, and follows 
directions perfectly! He amazes me with how
fast he catches on to things, and by how fast
 he learns! He has picked up reading like a pro!
I am one lucky mamma! I sure love my little man!

Late Christmas Party!

It was hard to get everyone together before
Christmas, and then Teresa and Dennis got
really sick, so they had to keep postponing the
party. We were able to finally have the party on 
January 10, 4 days after Toni had Kalysia! It was 
a lot of fun visiting with everyone! I love watching 
all of the little cousins running around playing 
together! I love having family so close!

Ready to go to the party!
The little kids eating their dinner, cereal! Before the adults
ate some very delicious chili! 

Pretty in pink!
So excited to see what they got!


Derrick sang us his and Stewart's Christmas song. He
did awesome, like always!
They were pretty excited that they all matched!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Out With The Old, In With The New!

This year for our little New Year's party, we had Stewart,
Erin, and Chase over. We had some yummy dinner, TONS
of snacks, and had lots and LOTS of fun!!!! 

My happy beautiful baby!

We sang some karaoke, it was a blast!
This was supposed to be Stewart's turn, but Derrick 
had to step up to the mic with every song. He just can't 
handle some one else being the center of attention! =P

Of coarse, this is my kids favorite part! They love yelling 
"Happy New Year!" =)

Their first family photo of 2015!

Our first family photos of 2015!

We have to carry on tradition, and drink some of
Martinelli's sparkling cider! 

Stewart, Erin, and Chase spent the night. We made
some yummy breakfast, visited, and played 
some more games!

Twins! =)

They're going to be best friends! =)

It was so much fun! I am so glad we were able
to spend the last seconds of 2014 and the first seconds 
of 2015 with some of our favorite people! 
2014 was a good year! It brought us our beautiful 
Quinnley, we did a lot of updating on our house, 
bought a new van, and had lots of fun and
 created tons of memories! I can't wait to
see what 2015 brings!!!!