Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Wow, I must be getting old! I CANNOT believe
that I have a kid in t-ball! That is just so crazy
to me! Lowynn loves to play! He is so 
good at it, too! His coach told him he's going 
to be their little allstar, which Derrick was pretty
proud of. =) Lowynn is so athletic, and
is so smart, too! He knows how to play the game,
and almost knows all of the rules. He 
loves it, and I am so glad he does!

Last Day of Preschool and Graduation!

This was Lowynn on his VERY last day 
of preschool, EVER! That is just so
crazy to me! I'm going to have a little
kindergartner next year!
Love them!
Graduation day!

He is so big!

My babies are growing up! 

Field Trip!

I am so grateful that I'm able to stay home with my kids
so that I have the opportunity to go with them on their
field trips! We went to a dairy farm in Genola, and
they had a lot of fun!

=) They are such good friends, I love it!

The sun was bright for Lowynn! He has his
 daddy's sensitive eyes!

Silly kids!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Little Get Away!

We try to go on a trip every year. Every other
year we go on a big one, & on the other year
we just go up North and have some fun.
We like to stay in a hotel that has an indoor pool,
 because our kids LOVE that. =) This year we
didn't take any time off of work, we just headed
up Friday evening, once we were all done
with work. I love spending time as a family! 
This was our last trip as a family of 4! =)

We FINALLY bought life jackets for our kids.
They thought they were the coolest things.
They loved being able to play around on
their own, and not have mom or dad carry
them around.

Saturday, we went to the Zoo. Our kids had
so much fun!
Oddessey wouldn't get a picture with these lion
statues. She was being a little ornery girl! =)

This part of the zoo was so much fun! Our kids 
had a blast!

My little poser! =)

After we ate some lunch, and rested at
the hotel, we decided to go to the Clark
Planetarium. Our kids thought it was pretty cool.

He is so photogenic. =)

Lowynn took this for us. =)
Then, for dinner, we went to Chuck E. Cheese's. 

After dinner, we went back to the hotel. & we swam
one last time!

Sunday, we went to the Loveland Living Planet
Aquarium. My mom and brother drove up 
and met us there. My kids were pretty 
excited about that. 

I would have to say, I have some of THE
cutest kids, EVER! =)

The penguins were so much fun to watch!

She didn't want a picture. Can't you tell? =)

Like father, like son! 
"Petting" stingrays. 

We had fun in the picture booth. Oddessey
and Lowynn liked to look at themselves 
on the screen, rather than look at the camera. =)

We had so much fun as a family! I am so glad
that we are able to do so many fun things as a family!
I love my family!