Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I read these from a couple of my friends on Facebook, and I had to share!
On Friday night, Stewart and Erin slept over,
so the next day Derrick and Stewart could get
an early start to cutting the branches off of the trees.
We barbecued and hung out. We always have 
great times with them! =)
Playing beautiful music with their bottles. ;)
Oddessey is such a wild child! =)

Really playing some beautiful music. =)

Cutting Branches!

One of the projects that has been on Derrick's
mind since we moved in 4 1/2 years ago, has begun!
Derrick and Stewart started cutting branches off 
of our big pine trees, in hopes to have at least 2 of 
them gone by winter. The trees have been such a pain!
They drop pine on vehicles and on the ground. Then
we step in it or our dogs step in it, and then track it
around the house. It takes a lot to clean it off of our
vehicles. It gets on our clothes if we decide to sit on the
 ground, or on the porch, and it doesn't come off! The pine 
needles and pine cones are every where, and it
makes the yard look pretty bad, and if you step on 
a pine needle, ouch! Nothing grows under the trees, 
so we have little grass. The roots of the trees are 
shallow, so there's always that fear of them tipping onto
our house. We want leafy trees! =)

They had an audience. =)

He was yelling, "Timber!"
Lowynn found this praying mantis.

Oddessey was intrigued by the mantis, but
didn't want to touch it! =)

They decided the rope they had on a pulley to get
 the chainsaws up in the tree, would be fun to play 
on. So, Derrick used it to get down, then up. 

Stewart tried to pull himself up while standing in a loop
he made in the rope. Yeah, didn't work. =)
Then Stewart wanted a turn using the rope
to get down.

My kids thought it looked fun, so Stewart let 
them have a few turns. =)

It was a fun weekend! I hope we are able to
reach our goal!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Fall Is In The Air!

Oh, how I love this time of year! When the air
gets cooler, the leaves change colors, and there's
so many fun things to do! We LOVE decorating 
at our house! Our kids' eyes just light up when
we tell them we are going to decorate. They 
get so excited and start jumping up and down 
and giggling! There's nothing better then seeing
my kids happy! =) 

She randomly went and found Derrick's hat,
put it on, and started dancing around. =)

Playing with some of the small pumpkins.
They LOVE to help!

Lowynn wanted to take a picture of us.
So, of coarse, Oddessey wanted a turn!
Here's our decorations!

In our picture frame, there's 2 more spots for
pictures, which we haven't filled. So Lowynn
put leaves in the spots. He thought he was
pretty clever for thinking of that. =) He's so cute!